
商品名稱 Product Name:

English Earl Grey Tea

規格介紹 Specifications:

Ingredients: 100% black tea leaves, bergamot flavoring

Weight: 454g/pack

Qty per carton: 30 packs/carton

Country of Origin: Ceylon

Shelf Life: Two years

Expiration Date: Indicated on the packaging seal

Storage Instructions: Store in a dry and ventilated place after opening

詳細介紹 Detailed Introduction:

Tea Characteristics:

Crafted from mid to high-altitude tea producing regions, hand-picked black tea and infused with bergamot, this tea delivers a rich yet subtle aroma of bergamot and citrus upon tasting. Its robust and full-bodied tea base embodies the timeless essence of classic English afternoon tea. Versatile in nature, it can be enjoyed as is or with the addition of fresh milk or creamer for a European-style twist.


Brewing Method:

Hot Tea Brewing Method: Steep 10g of tea leaves in 200cc of hot water, cover and brew for 6 minutes, then filter out the tea leaves. Add 200cc of hot fresh milk and 30g of sugar for Earl Grey milk tea.

Iced Tea Brewing Method: Steep 10g of tea leaves in 150cc of hot water, cover and brew for 6 minutes, then filter out the tea leaves. Add 150cc of cold fresh milk, ice cubes as desired, and 30g of sugar for Earl Grey iced milk tea.  


